Surrey Supported Employment Fund

The Surrey Supported Employment Fund supports people with disabilities or mental ill health to overcome barriers to work, contributing towards the social and economic well-being of our area.

From 2019 the Surrey Supported Employment Fund has provided funding to partner organisations who are best placed to make individual grants to their beneficiaries. By providing funding to trusted organisation who are supporting people with disabilities the Fund has enabled fast and efficient support.where it is needed.

Grants have supported individuals to

  • undertake specific work related training,
  • purchase work equipment or meet other set-up costs for individuals becoming self-employed,
  • obtain or renew necessary accreditation and memberships of recognised professional bodies,
  • purchase suitable work clothing
  • meet travel costs where this was a barrier to individuals accessing interviews, work placements and employment.

The Fund currently works with the following organisations;

Good news – Funding Available!

Surrey Supported Employment invite applications from charities and not-for-profits in Surrey who wish to hold a pot of funding to support their beneficiaries with small grants which will help them to overcome barriers to work.

If your organisation is supporting people with disabilities and would like to apply to be a fund-holder, please complete an application form below by 9am on Monday 3 June.

Support and advice is available in making your application to become a fund-holder. We will be holding two Q&A sessions to share more information about the Fund, becoming a fund-holder, and answer any questions about the application process. Please email to request the link to join one of these online sessions;

  • Tuesday 14 May at 11am
  • Thursday 23 May at 2pm

Individuals seeking support are advised to contact the most appropriate group directly – if you are encountering difficulties please call the Community Foundation for Surrey.

Grants are usually just a few hundred pounds, but these small amounts can be life changing. Examples include the following:

Give a man a bike… and a small grant can go a long way!

Funding of £79 enabled an individual with a learning disability to purchase a bicycle to travel to and from work each day for the early morning start, otherwise impossible due to a lack of suitable public transport. The grant not only helped this individual to attend an initial employment placement, but this small amount has had a lasting impact by giving him the confidence and experience to secure and sustain a substantive job afterwards. Referee and Employment Support Officer at EmployAbility, Carolyn Tucker noted:

“Thank you to everyone who approved this grant, he really does appreciate everything you have done to help him keep his job which he is really enjoying.”

Supporting travel costs

A grant of £336 supported the costs of taxi journeys for an individual who is registered blind and also has a mild learning disability to attend employment. The grantee stressed:

“Without this funding I would have lost my job.”

Other individual recipients of grants from the SSE Fund have commented:

“The money was of great help, significantly reducing the stress levels.”

“I have found it so difficult to get anywhere before, so your funding has greatly helped me to achieve something I would never have been able to fund myself… I really appreciate it, many thanks.”

How to give

This is a long-term fund that people can either donate to now, or leave a legacy to in the future. Donations can be made at any level, either as one-off donations or spread over a period of time. They can be donated as gifts of cash, legacies, shares, property or land.

To donate, contact us for more information or simply send a cheque payable to the Community Foundation for Surrey to:

Community Foundation for Surrey
Suite 3, First Floor, Cleary Court
169 Church Street East
GU21 6HJ

Don’t forget Gift Aid! Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, the Surrey Supported Employment Fund will receive an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs, helping your donation go further.


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