Donor FAQs

A nursery group of mums and babies smiling with staff from Shepperton Studios presenting a large cheque

Interested in becoming a Donor?

Please read our frequently asked questions below to get a better understanding of what being a Donor entails.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our frequently asked questions below to learn more about donating to Community Foundation Surrey.

  • Absolutely! This can support our work across Surrey or any specific fund of your choice.

  • Please get in touch for an initial chat with one of our Fund Development Managers.

  • We are part of a network of 47 Community Foundations in the UK and you can give to Surrey alongside other UKCFs who support organisations in other counties. Unfortunately if you want to only give outside of Surrey then we are unable to help.

  • We can advise on the best way to do this, but at CFSurrey we are not the choice for giving overseas.

  • We can work with you to ensure your funds are used in the way you would like.

  • Yes! If you are a UK tax payer we are able to claim Gift Aid, meaning your donation is boosted by 25%.

  • Absolutely, please chat to us about your area of preference.

  • Both!
    The way you choose to give might depend on the amount, or your intentions with the gift. We have established themed and area funds raising money through Raisely, but you may choose a larger gift or to support a new cause.

  • Yes, we have many funds who have family giving/members at the heart of what they do, please get in touch to find out more about giving as a family and our Family Foundation network, a supportive network of likeminded fundholders.

  • No you don’t, this can be the most effective way to give but it is not the only way, we have many options of ways we can work together.

  • Yes we accept shares and items as gifts, we can help you with this process. Please contact us at

  • Yes you can we have a Legacy and In Memory specialist who can advise you on the best ways to do this. Contact us at

  • Any donations we receive from you, whether a one-off or set up as a fund, are a gift to CFSurrey, and therefore cannot be returned.

Who to talk to

Zoe Coltart

Fund Development Manager


01483 958307


Mon - 8am-6:30pm

Tues - 9am-2:30pm, 3:30pm-4:30pm

Weds - 9am-5:30pm

Thurs - 9am-2:30pm


Amy Lee

Fund Development Manager


01483 906383


Mon - 9:30am-2pm, 4pm-6pm

Tues - 8:30am-2:45pm, 4pm-6pm

Weds - 8:30am-2:45pm, 4pm-6pm


Funder Plus

Funding isn’t the only way we can help - we have highly skilled and experienced volunteer workers on-hand to assist your organisation.

Our Funder Plus Volunteers can offer support and guidance in a range of critical business areas, helping you to succeed on your short-term projects.

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