Give your time

The Community Foundation for Surrey relies on a wonderful team of people who volunteer to help us. If you would like to get involved, please check out our current volunteering vacancies below.

Volunteer Roles

There are a number of different volunteering roles across the Community Foundation which from time to time become available.

We are currently looking for a new Trustee.


CFSurrey is looking for some new Trustees – can you help? CFSurrey is passionate about helping those most in need in our county – do you share that passion? We’re looking for a new trustee, and welcome applications from representatives of all our communities – regardless of whether you have been a trustee before.

Our trustees help us to set the strategic direction of the charity, ensure that we are well run, and support our work to encourage more philanthropy in the county. In particular this time we are seeking Trustees who could be a champion on behalf of small grassroots charities and community organisations, to help us ensure that our core beneficiaries are always at the centre of all our planning.

We are recruiting a new Trustee to help us shape the next 20 years of the Community Foundation’s work. We are particularly looking for someone who can be a champion of the small grassroots charities and community organisations that we support.

To download an application pack click here.
Applications must be received by 30th April 2025 to

Funder Plus

This is a programme that matches volunteers with business skills with small grassroots charities and community organisations in need of help.

Volunteers bring their experience and expertise to work with organisations on a short-term project to help improve the capacity of the organisation.  We are currently recruiting new volunteers. For more information, please visit our Funder Plus page.

Fund Panel Members

The Foundation has a number of Pooled or Collective Funds which are funds that can receive donations from anyone and have been set up to focus on a particular issue or area of the county.

Each is overseen by a Panel of volunteers who help to raise money to grow the fund as well as helping to decide what organisations to award grants to.

We are currently seeking volunteers to join:

Spelthorne and Mole Valley Area Funds

If you live in any of the above areas and feel that you would be interested in getting involved in your local Community Fund and how it supports your local community, please contact us:

Heritage for All Young Panel Member

We have an exciting new grants programme supporting access to our wonderful Surrey heritage. We are offering an opportunity for younger people (under 30) to join a grant-making panel for the first time and input into our decision-making process.

Surrey Young People’s Fund

The Surrey Young People’s Fund provides hardship grants to young people who need help to fund cost associated with their education or training.

They are currently seeking a new Panel Member – Discover more about the role and how to apply.