Chiddingfold Community Fund

Dedicated to the village and its residents, especially supporting local heritage, training for young people, and social isolation.

What is Chiddingfold Community Fund?

The Chiddingfold Community Fund encourages local giving to develop a greater capacity to respond to village needs.

Managed by the Community Foundation for Surrey, the Chiddingfold Community Fund is part of a network of borough and district Area Funds across the county.

Why support the Chiddingfold Community Fund?

The Fund enables people who love Chiddingfold to donate money for the exclusive benefit of the village and its people. With your help we can help build a stronger community by supporting local causes that can make impact and that will empower Chiddingfold to help itself now and in the future.

Chiddingfold Community Fund objectives

The fund's main goals are to:

  1. Help older or disadvantaged residents combat isolation and stay happy, healthy and included

  2. Increase facilities, training, skills and experience for young people.

  3. Support village activities, services and community focal points such as the Village Hall

  4. Fund projects that improve and preserve the village heritage, culture and environment.

To discuss how you can get involved, please contact the Community Foundation for Surrey directly, or a local Fund Panel Member:

James McClean: 07799 640082

Chiddingfold children in their football kit celebrate together.

Our fund is geared towards supporting initiatives that directly benefit our community. Here's where our grants make an impact:

  1. Youth Empowerment: We invest in projects that provide young people with opportunities to hone their skills and lay the groundwork for their future success. From enhancing facilities to offering training programs and summer school initiatives, we're committed to nurturing the potential of our youth.

  2. Strengthening Community Bonds: We're all about fostering a stronger, more vibrant community. Whether it's enhancing local facilities or organising community events, our grants support programs that bring people together and make our neighbourhoods thrive.

Whether it's funding new equipment or covering ongoing operational costs, our grants support both existing services and innovative new ventures.

Nursery children aged around 3 in Chiddingfold sat in a circle on tarmac underneath a white gazeebo, they are being read to by a teacher

Small Grants

To apply for a grant up to the value of £2,000, download the Chiddingfold Small Grants Form.

  • For grant applications over the value of £2,000, Express your Interest here.

  • If you’re interested in leaving a legacy to Chiddingfold, further information can be found here.

Villagers in the Village Hall in Chiddingfold for their annual welcome lunch to new residents

Make a donation.

Donations can be made at any level, either as one-off donations or spread over a period of time. They can be donated as gifts of cash, legacies, shares, property or land.

The easiest way to give is through the form at the top of the page, which will direct your donation directly to Chiddingfold Community Fund. If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, please contact us.

Don’t forget Gift Aid! Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, the Chiddingfold Community Fund will receive an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs, helping your donation go further.

A graphic hand presenting a heart with the text "Start the application process here"

Apply for funding

Applying for funding is easy. Simply fill out a quick Expression of Interest Form (EOI) to start the application process.

Tell us what you want to do, and how much you would like to apply for. The EOI is designed to save you time and provide us with a little more information about your funding needs prior to making a full application.

The grants team will then review your EOI against our fund criteria and advise you if we can invite you forward to make a full application.