Eligibility Checker
Learn more about what we do and do not fund.
What do I need?
A management committee (the people who are responsible and make decisions – Trustees or Directors) of a minimum of three unrelated people
A signed constitution (or set of rules)
A bank account in the name of your group which requires two signatories / dual authorisation.
A Financial Policy (a document which lays out how you manage money and payments)
A Safeguarding Policy – we recommend that all organisations should have a safeguarding policy and if you work with children, young people, or vulnerable adults you must have a Safeguarding Policy
For Social Enterprise such as CIC in addition to meeting our general eligibility criteria you will need to demonstrate that;
you have a minimum of three Directors the majority of whom are not paid employees
there are no Persons with Significant Control
that the salaries and benefits of any paid Directors are approved by a majority of non-executive Directors and are reasonable and proportionate to the work they do and the financial position of the organisation.
Who do we support?
Registered charities
CIO – Charitable Incorporated Organisations
Charitable Trusts – other than educational establishments
Voluntary and community groups
Faith groups, where the project clearly benefits the wider community and is open to people of all faiths or none
Educational establishments for exceptional projects that fall outside statutory support and benefit school communities facing particular disadvantage
Organisations with a potential national reach, and who reflect local benefit and our priorities (listed further down this page)
Community Benefit Societies with charitable status
CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club)
Not for profit organisations such as CICs with a clear social purpose, for their charitable activities
Newly established organisations in any of the above categories
Small and newly formed groups which are not constituted or cannot meet the eligibility criteria may apply under the umbrella of another group which will act as a fund holder for the grant. Grant holders could be CVS or other infrastructure groups, charities, churches or parish councils For more information see our Help to Apply page.
For profit businesses
CICs limited by Shares
County or Borough Councils
Other public/statutory organisations
Housing Associations which are not registered charities
General Practice surgeries or other NHS entities including hospital trusts
Animal welfare charities (we can consider charities utilising animals for therapeutic support for people)
Individuals – other than through specific programmes. See Guidance for individuals further down the page.
What we fund
Charitable activities and projects
Core costs / essential running costs
New projects
Pilot projects
Existing projects
Repeat/continuation funding for projects
Staff costs
We encourage full cost recovery to cover the overheads which relate to projects
Small capital costs (typically items under £10,000 such as specialist equipment, tools and materials, IT kit etc.)
If applying on behalf of a Food Bank, Baby Bank or other similar organisation, please note that we would prefer to fund projects designed to improve the long-term sustainability of the organisation rather than simply funding donations (i.e. food or other supplies). Projects of this nature might include purchase and fitting of new shelving or storage, or staff costs such as a volunteer coordinator or volunteer training.
Emergency funding requests for organisations which have been previously funded by the foundation which can demonstrate a solid plan towards sustainability.
Projects without a specific benefit to Surrey residents
Projects which have already taken place or items purchased prior to or during a grant application
Projects run by faith groups where the project is exclusively for the benefit of members or involves proselytising
General appeals and fundraising events
Costs for social business (e.g. CICs) which are not directly linked to charitable activity
Requests to build reserves
Commercial sponsorship
Building projects including renovation and repair
Delivery of services which are statutory obligations
Political activities
Events – unless the lasting difference the event will make to participants can be demonstrated
Residential trips unless they form part of a clear programme which involves interventions before and after the trip to embed impact.
Emergency requests from organisations not previously known to the Foundation.
Our priorities
Projects which particularly support communities in Surrey facing disadvantage
Local and small grassroots organisations (income under £100,000) serving the Surrey community
Medium sized local Surrey-based organisations which typically lack the capacity to attract support from national funders (turnover to £1M)
Larger local organisations are encouraged to apply where they are providing particular capability or services for the community in Surrey
We particularly welcome applications from organisations which can demonstrate that lived experience of their potential beneficiaries is reflected in the management and/or governance of the organisation or in the development of the planned service delivery
We particularly welcome applications from under-represented groups in our community
The Community Foundation for Surrey supports the 11 Boroughs/Districts which are covered Surrey County Council.
The London Boroughs such as Croydon, Sutton, and Kingston, which may have historical references to Surrey are no longer part of Surrey. If you are unsure, clarity can be found via the Surrey County Council interactive map.Organisations which hold a high level of free reserves (typically more than one year running costs) are generally not funded however, we review requests on a case by case basis.
We expect grant holders to be conscious of, and avoid, the risks inherent in any imbalance of power between their organisations and those whom they support. Examples could include influencing, manipulating or coercing someone receiving support or service from the organisation into thinking, saying or doing things without respecting their right to choose for themselves.
Where there are possible external requirements, such as planning permission, please ensure that you have checked what is required needed prior to submitting the application and if planning
permission is needed, that you have commenced the process of obtaining permission.We encourage full cost recovery to cover the overheads which relate to projects.